Awards Received
1. International Exhibition of Inventions 1996 at Geneva, Switzerland. (April 19th. - April 28th. )Awarded 2 Gold medals as follows:
- BEST INVENTION in the Medical, Surgical, Orthopaedic and Hygiene Category
- BEST INVENTION (GOLD MEDAL of EXCELLENCE) at the International Exhibition of Inventions
2. World Exhibition of Invention and Innovation 1996 at Maroc De L’Invention’96, Casablanca, Morocco (June 13th - June 18th.)
Awarded 5 Gold awards as follows:
- BEST INVENTION from the Ministry of Public Health, Morocco
- BEST INVENTION for the prize of the International Jury
- BEST INVENTION from the Industry and Commerce chamber of Morocco
- BEST INVENTION and Gold Medal of East West Euro Intellect, Bulgaria
- BEST INVENTION in the Classification of Medicine, Surgery, Hygiene and Orthopaedic
3. BRONZE MEDAL At. MINDEX/INNOTEX Exhibition 95 held at Dewan Sivik Petaling Jaya in August 1995.